When I was young as a kid, I liked making dream and resolutions far away in time span, like I want to become a fashion designer at 20ish, hmm.. its far away, for when life goes, a lot of real dreams or something more suits me, actually is found on the way, after I explore and test. So I don’t plan for a long time, just have a big goal that I know I will devote my whole lifetime to do, then just doing and practice.

Break down, so this year resolutions.

  • Contribute to one open source python project.
  • Give back something to community.
  • Blog twice a month.
  • Write code every day and more clean and beautiful code.
  • Be kind and enter into adulthood, be mature.
  • Take a solo bike trip to Mogan Mount.
  • Take my parents to the Europe for a trip.
  • Strengthen my mental muscle and aware to mental health.
  • Read one book once a month, not only physics and programming one, read some funny book too.
  • Meet more funny and interesting people and make friends with them.
  • Attend one DS conference.