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Every time I come to a stale stage, don’t have a clear idea to motivate myself to take action, I always come back to watch The Story of Aaron Swartz
documentary, for in the beginning of I self-taught programming, Swartz’s story is spirit source motivates me. His words always can enlighten me from different sides and depths. The the simple function call this time.
He wrote
A good programmer does not simply read the code as English. They build a model of it in their head and try to figure out what it’s doing.
Yes programming is a mental model, the logic rule, so it can’t be really be written in English, but needed to be translated into logics. I’m lack distance on this part, so I need to put more time to **practice…
Recently, I started to look for a new job after my previous company is not “existed”, work remotely, but the company actually don’t have any data science project to do and no investment. I admit it’s quite a hard timing to sell myself on job market, some phone call interviews and some rejections since I started to look for after May holiday. Then my skills is far from of professional, so much need to be polished to be hit. I failed this Monday’s whiteboard algorithm interview, for I didn’t realize to solve that map
data structure I should use recursive
function to get boolean output about finding dataset relations for an (in)finite map
The reflection, I appreciated this interview, and other each interview I have, for it makes me grow, even in the end it comes to rejection, I still can learn from failures, to better to prepare my next interview.
Yes no one ever know what will happen in the future, so living today is a proof and predicate condition for tomorrow.